March is Women's History month. I wrote this blog post in support of all Black Women who struggle with the decision to honor their natural hair texture.
Kinky, curly, coils, Bantu knots, silk press, twist set, braids, or a roller set. These terms describe the lingo that Black people use to describe our hair and the styles that we embrace for our crown. Black Americans have for too long been the subject of banter about how we choose to wear our hair. The beauty of our thick black hair and it’s functionality continues to not be accepted by conservatives and corporate America.
Ironically, some Black men and women make disparaging comments about hair texture and black hair styles, deeming some styles as being unprofessional in the workplace. To make matters worse, some black athletes have experienced race-based hair discrimination while playing basketball and wrestling. Some amateur and professional athletes have been required to cover their hair with a cap or cut their locs, before being able to play a sport they excel in, because locs are considered to be distracting, unacceptable, or unprofessional.
Black women have resorted to using chemical relaxers to straighten their hair. These harmful chemicals have recently been under scrutiny since the National Institutes of Health (NIH) published a study, determining that prolonged use of chemical relaxers can increase the risk of cancer for Black women. As a result of this study, numerous class-action lawsuits have been filed on behalf of thousands of Black women. During the pandemic, I finally had the opportunity to cut my hair and move away from chemical relaxers. The pandemic was the perfect opportunity for me to finally stop relaxing my hair and avoid having to be scrutinized by my peers in corporate America.
The CROWN Act legislation was established to help end hair discrimination for Black men and women. The CROWN Act means Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair, has passed in 20 states. This legislation makes it illegal to deny someone educational or employment opportunities because of hair texture or protective styles. I find it inconceivable that Black men and women need the Crown Act to be able to show up as their authentic selves in Corporate America.
TikTok star Tabitha Brown is one of the most famous advocates in support of the Crown Act. Tabitha Brown is now cashing in on her desire to show up as her authentic self, with her new Donna’s Recipe by Tabitha Brown. The fight for hair equality is not over! We still need more states to enact the Crown Act, which protects Black culture and black hair in schools and in the workplace. Our hair is our crown and our culture. No one should have to experience hair discrimination, have a job offer rescinded, or be forced to cut their locs to participate in sports. You can support the Crown Act by joining the movement to end racial hair discrimination. Join the movement and sign the petition found here
Be well and keep showing up as your authentic self!
The Official Campaign of The Crown Act. (2023). The Crown Act. retrieved from